Herpes (Varicella) Zoster, or "Shingles"

Let’s take just a few minutes and discuss what has been called the most painful pathological condition of all; Shingles. If you have ever had “chicken pox” then your body harbors the virus which can cause Shingles. This DOES NOT mean that if you ever had chicken pox you WILL get shingles. But it is possible. 

A.k.a. Zona, Acute Posterior Ganglionitis,…….Shingles is an infection with varicella-zoster virus and characterized by vesicular eruptions and neuralgic pain along the “dermatome” of the affected nerve root ganglia. Shingles (herpes zoster) is caused by varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. Shingles often occurs in immunosuppressed patients.

Pain along the site of future eruptions usually precedes the rash by 2-3 days. The involved area is usually hypersensitive and pain may be severe. Eruptions occur most often in the thoracic and lumbar regions and are unilateral. Lesions usually continue to form for 3-5 days, and herpes zoster may migrate to other regions of the skin and to visceral organs, especially in immunosuppressed patients. Most patients recover but many, especially the elderly, have “post-herpetic neuralgia” which may persist for months or years. The pain of post-herpetic neuralgia may be sharp and intermittent or constant and may be debilitating.

Pain in the ear, facial paralysis, and partial loss of taste result from involvement of the geniculate ganglion (geniculate zoster, Ramsey Hunt’s syndrome.) Pain and eruptions at the tip of the nose may predict corneal lesions, although eye involvement may occur in the absence of lesions at the tip of the nose, (ophthalmic herpes zoster.) An ophthalmologist should be consulted to help evaluate and prevent invasive eye disease.

In all cases, wet compresses locally applied are soothing, but analgesics in addition to antiviral agents, and occasionally corticosteroids and anti-depressants may be prescribed by your MD.

At The Neeley Center for Health, we see 3-4 cases of shingles per month and unfortunately most of these are in the active and very painful stage. Chinese medicine views shingles as a “damp heat” pattern and treats accordingly with acupuncture, “cupping”, and typically 2-3 Chinese herbal formulae (anti-viral in nature.) In addition, the use of pharmaceutical grade anti-oxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, co-enzyme Q-10, gentle antioxidant topical wash, and soothing antioxidant emollients have very positive results in almost all cases in the absence of or in conjunction with western pharmaceutical agents.

“Cupping” is a Chinese method in which suction cups are applied over the lesions and a partial vacuum is created within the cup. This procedure actually extracts some amount of viral-laden serous fluid from the lesions. Pharmaceutical-grade, non-iodized salt is then applied topically to further desiccate the lesion. Then, a very soothing antioxidant emollient is applied to decrease pain and inflammation, and speed the recuperative process.

In the case(s) of Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (the pain that follows Shingles even in the absence of lesions,) continued regular acupuncture treatments help control the pain while daily use of Pharmaceutical grade vitamins, minerals (particularly calcium, magnesium, and potassium), antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids, and Co-Enzyme Q-10 often greatly reduce recuperation times.

Additionally, as in any situation where physical and/or emotional pain is prevalent, one-on-one counseling has proven extremely helpful. Counseling offers the patient the opportunity to experience and learn different ways of coping with pain and the stress pain causes.

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